This is the most effective fitness program to slice off fat, gain perfect muscle proportion and look beach-ripped. This is accomplished with just three hard-hitting workouts per week and the most enjoyable diet of your life. In fact, I eat like a king every single night.
Two years ago I launched Eternobody and released V1 of my programs. In just a couple of years, Eternobody spat out thousands of the most impressive before and afters in the fitness industry. In fact, no other fitness program in the world has come close to the attractive, sex-appeal type physique that we've produced.
Men that were overweight, bulky, average and even skinny fat – have followed the system to a tee to get beach-ripped. Not only did they achieve insane results, they did so in just 4-6 months.
Now, I’ve decided to take my most effective program, revamp it to make it more effective and powerful and deliver it as a 4-month masterclass to completely transform your body. It will be as if you hired me one on one.
Everything that I had to learn, understand and master to achieve my physique goals, I will be downloading into your brain. Over 20 video lessons to teach you everything you must know to transform. Plus, my most effective 4 month training and nutrition system ever created.
Following the system to a tee will be easier than ever before. I will walk you through every step inside the program.
✓ You've been struggling to drop fat & find a system you can really enjoy & stick to. Use the best methods to drop fat effortlessly. Stop running in circles! Your 6-pack abs await.
✓ You're in good shape but having a hard time cutting the last 5-15 lbs of fat. You need to break through your plateau & get that chiselled look. You will achieve an elite-level physique.
✓ You're stuck in the skinny fat zone & need to slice off fat, increase strength and muscle size. This program will destroy it for you! Leaner and stronger by the week.
✓ You're already very lean but struggling to gain rock hard muscle. This program will help you to easily bulk-up. Add size onto your frame in the correct proportions to look incredible.
You see the power comes when you build a F$ck Me Now Physique. When you have the perfect combination of razor sharp definition, muscle size, and proportion.
The top guys know just how important this halo effect is!
It’s the difference between becoming confident, financially successful and attracting your dream woman versus never fulfilling your true potential as a man.
Cristiano Ronaldo, Michael B Jordan, Conor McGregor, Daniel Craig… The list goes on! These guys have successfully gotten into ripped shape and achieved their wildest dreams.
Now the F$ck Me Now Physique is actually well researched. In fact, the strongest universal sign of physical attraction in men is the perfect shoulder to waist ratio! It’s a shoulder to waist ratio of 1:1.6.
In fact, it’s known as the golden ratio! This is only ever achieved when you have a slim waist and perfectly developed upper pecs, delts and lats! When you achieve this ratio, life gets really good!
You command respect and authority everywhere you go! Men look up to you as leaders and women can’t help but feel attracted. You are projecting great health, strength and top tier genes before you ever open your mouth.
Build a F$ck Me Now Physique and doors will swing wide open. You don’t have to be on holiday to enjoy the benefits! You don't want this extra advantage in life to slip away!
Let’s be honest, very few people will ever get a F$ck Me Now Physique. For years, this level of condition was reserved for a select few models, celebs, moviestars, and a handful of pro athletes with top tier genetics.
✓ You need to get down to 8-12% body fat for crystal clear definition. Face sharper, muscles popping, waist slim... Even most personal trainers & fitness experts can't pull-off this condition all year round.
✓ You must build a great level of strength and muscle size (while remaining lower body fat).
✓ You must master the development of key muscle groups (upper chest, shoulders, traps, brachialis, VMO) which give your physique an aesthetic look.
✓ You must be CONSISTENT in the following steps: correct calories & protein, progressive overload on key lifts, hitting daily steps, maximize testosterone levels naturally, getting quality sleep & sunlight everyday.
Monday we will be hitting chest and arms heavy and light shoulders. Wednesday we will be hitting Legs & Traps. Friday we will be hitting shoulders and back heavy and light chest and arms. This is the most effective training split I’ve developed. By hitting chest, shoulders and arms two times per week we can speed up muscle growth in key areas and build the best physique possible.
Inside the F$ck Me Now Physique system, I’ve included a fourth workout if you would like to train more often. This fourth workout will be done on Saturday. It focuses on abs training, forearms and neck work. Since you’re just hitting smaller muscle groups, the forth workout won’t mess with recovery.
One of the keys to looking powerful and attractive is in developing a thicker neck. A thick neck is a sign of masculinity and power. If you look at most movie stars and male models, they have a low body fat and a thick neck of 16+”. In fact, adding 1-2” to your neck can make you look 5-10kg of muscle bigger and stronger. It also protects your brain from injury. This is why fighters train their neck.
The focus is on building strength, proportion and dense muscle size.
✓ Increase your strength & proportion. Start building that f$ck me now physique by triggering myofibrillar hypertrophy.
✓ Maximize your development by hitting key muscle groups with more frequency & volume, accelerating their development.
✓ Thicken your shoulders, upper chest, and arms. Creating the perfect v-shape & a proportionate lower-body.
The focus is the Eterno Pump Protocol phase. Gaining strength is no longer the primary focus. The goal is to perform higher volume and trigger quick increases in size to produce a skin tightening, vein popping effect.
✓ Strategically increase your training volume, with more exercises, more sets and more reps.
✓ Trigger sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, where your muscle becomes incredibly pumped & fatigued, responding by increasing fluid in the muscles.
✓ Shock your body with an increase in training volume, forcing your body to develop more size.
✓ Become leaner, bigger, and have skin tightening muscle pumps.
You get the most effective four month training system created with in-depth training videos and exercise tutorials. 12 weeks of intense strength and proportion training. With multiple exercise substitutions and variations to allow for non stop progress. You get the most effective 4 week pump protocol phase to produce quick size and fullness gains and look ready for the summer. This four month training protocol can be done year round.
You also get the minimalist training plan to train 2x per week and maintain muscle perfectly while focusing on definition and fat loss. When life gets in the way you can still become a muscle building, fat burning machine whilst putting in minimal effort. This leaves you to focus on other things... dating, making more money, travelling and doing cool stuff!
You must dial in free testosterone levels naturally. Unfortunately, these days men's testosterone levels have been crumbling. Endocrine disruptors and estrogen mimicking compounds are everywhere. This ruins your body's chance of having high testosterone. That said, there’s a few key steps and supplements that can solve for this. The result is more energy, better sleep, better muscle gains and a leaner, stronger, harder physique. Plus more ambition and a higher sexual appetite. When you use our protocol and tracker, your life will never be the same...
All your hard work will be undone if you don't have you nutrition dialled in. Inside our digital nutrition hub, you get done ‘for you’ meal plans that you can follow to begin transforming your body now. As well, the top simple, affordable and downright enjoyable beach body recipes. Plus, with the platinum edition you get live updates to the platform, with new recipes added every month. You will have lifetime access to this.
You get the beach body nutrition calculator to instantly find out exactly how many calories and protein you must eat for your goal and body type.
You get the four beach body nutrition protocols to transform your body. The cutting protocol to slice off fat & get chiseled. The aggressive fat loss protocol to push fat loss into high gear & cut fat quickly. The recomp protocol to maintain your weight & tighten up, & the lean bulk protocol to gain 8-10 lbs of pure muscle in 4 months.
By joining today, you lock in lifetime access to the program and all bonuses.
★★★★★ 3,847 Customer Reviews
£38 / $47
✓ F$ck Me Now Physique Program For Life
✓ Minimalist Training Plan
✓ BONUS: Testosterone Maximization Protocol
✓ BONUS: Beach Body Chef Platinum For Life
✓ BONUS: Done For You Meal Plans
✓ BONUS: Beach Body Nutrition Calculator
✓ BONUS: 4 Beach Body Nutrition Protocols
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. That means you could enjoy every benefit we offer for 29 days, and still get a refund on the 30th day. That means you can get the program with zero risk to you, and only unlimited upside.
I'm not just offering exercises; I'm providing a complete body transformation system to build the physique of your dreams.
✓ Experience weekly strength and muscle gains
✓ Learn how to eat and fast for rapid fat loss and muscle gain
This is your chance to invest in a proven system, expertly designed for building a strong, functional, and beach-ready body. Don't wait any longer – start today, and you'll wonder why you didn't begin a week ago!
❌ Most workout programs are ineffective. They focus on the wrong things, don't progress over time, are sold by people who take steroids and won't give you jaw-dropping results.
This program combines elite strength and hypertrophy training tactics, delivering a body that exudes attraction and sex appeal. I've put in the 10,000 hours, so you don't have to.
If you're still reading this, it shows you're serious about transforming your physique and living your best life. Don't let time slip away. Don't look back in regret as an older guy and realise "it's too late". Take control of your life today.
🕒 What can you expect 12 weeks from now?
✓ Look in the mirror and see a sculpted, chiseled, attractive physique
✓ Sharper jawline, visible abs, and popping veins
✓ Unstoppable motivation and energy to keep pushing in other areas of life
This is the Eternobody lifestyle.
F$ck Me Now Physique is your path to the best version of yourself. No risk involved – if you're not thrilled within the first month, I'll refund you. But trust me, that won't happen. This program is designed for success.
We aren’t just dropping fat & gaining muscle. We are building the F$ck Me Now Physique.
🏋️♂️ Commit to just 3 workouts a week and follow a simple, enjoyable meal plan for the next four months. Your reward? The best body of your life.
Ready to stand out from the pack? Let's make it happen! 💪
See below for our most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your answer or just want to say hello, send us an email at sebastian@eternobody.com. Our expert support team will be happy to help you!
Starting out it’s great to have a base level of strength, like performing 10 push-ups and 5 chin-ups. That said, I’ve had many clients join that couldn’t perform a chin-up and after the first month, managed to bang out 5.
The program is a 12-week weight lifting protocol, and having access to a bench, a full bar, plates, and a set of dumbbells is great – most things which one can find at their local gym.
I have an incredibly effective diet protocol to follow. That said, this approach revolves around intermittent fasting (until lunch each day) and hitting the appropriate number of calories and protein. Therefore, you can eat your favourite foods and meals while leaning down. Steak and potatoes, chocolate for dessert and lots of fruit fit the bill perfectly. That said, I also have some vegans that have adapted the diet to their needs.
My clients consistently see results in just the second week of the program. It’s so awesome. That said, the real physical changes happen around the 4-week mark. This is where your friends will really start to notice. And by week 12 you will be blown away at the transformation you made. Of course, this only happens when you follow the program and are committed.
Most fitness programs do not work. They fail to focus on the variables and levers that really matter. Once you join this program, there’s no going back! Within the first 1-2 weeks, you will see dramatic improvements in strength. As well, you will be leaner and sharper. There’s a reason why I have so many incredible transformations. Most of my clients failed countless times before jumping on this program!
When you transform your body and improve your physique and confidence, life improves greatly. Investing in a PROVEN workout program is one of the best decisions you can make. So many of my clients began to excel in life, once they got their physique dialed in. It has dramatic effects on your confidence and even produces the halo effect. Being in top shape gives you a massive advantage in life.
Here’s what’s so amazing, I don’t care how busy you are, this is the perfect program to transform you. There are three workouts per week and each workout is approximately 45 minutes! If you want to train more, I have bonus workouts you can do on the other days. But let me tell you when you are training intensely and pushing for personal records each session – three workouts per week get the job done better than anything.
Here’s what’s crazy, many of my clients came to me after training 5-6 days per week and eating a super clean diet of 5-6 small meals per day. They were stuck, burnt out and frustrated. They switched to my program and they TRANSFORMED. How is this possible? How is it that doing less can work better?! Here’s the reality, transforming your physique is simple. The goal is to increase strength and achieve progressive overload. This is why you build muscle in the first place. Now by training just three days per week, you give your body an unbelievable recovery. Your muscular system and your nervous system. In fact, it’s a known fact that it takes your central nervous system about 48 hours to recover after an intense training session. So by training three days per week, you are well recovered and stronger each session. This is why my clients achieve unbelievable gains. What’s more, absolutely, you can eat delicious meals and steak dinners and chocolate while getting shredded. Sounds to good to be true? It’s not. Fat loss is a simple equation. It’s about being in the perfect calorie deficit and consuming sufficient protein. When you begin fasting, you’ll be blown away at how much food you can eat – while hitting your calories and protein. Now when you fall in love with your diet, getting into unbelievable shape becomes effortless. On the contrary, you can eat a clean diet of chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli – and if you overeat your calories, you can actually gain fat! My strategy is to make the diet focused on results. To ensure you hit the right numbers so your physique transforms. As well, it’s my goal to make the diet so enjoyable and easy to follow that getting the physique of your dreams is a walk in the park! There’s a reason why my transformations look great. Brutal diets aren’t sustainable.
Absolutely! Every single transformation has been achieved via my system. I get epic transformations posted in our fb group all the time. This program works better than anything and you are going to absolutely love it! No other program competes.
I offer a 30-day refund policy from the date of purchase on digital programs.